John: Frater, I have seen these correlations between exus and demons from Goetia, could you tell me if these correlations exist, even if for example a link from exu with such a devil? Do not know if I could express myself well. I know it is not another one, so I would like your explanation. Thanks for your patience and dedication to us!
Frater Magister: John, it's kind of turmoil due to lack of understanding of esotericism and occultism. But let's explain. The exus were magicians, sorcerers and priests of the cult of kimbanda. Some older who were called Nganga, or sorcerers Kimbanda Bantu peoples, Nagôs, etc.. Others may have had physical existence later, when the Kimbanda received the influences of people enchanted forests, the Tupi Guarani, the people of the orient.
His association with the devil was evident, after all, the cult of Umbanda simplified the exus, as "the left" Umbanda, automatically linked to all things negative, harmful or devilish as it were. The exus were then placed in the cult of Umbanda as guardians and protectors of the magical workings of the Temple. However, for those who remained more closely linked to the Cult of Kimbanda, realized that actually the exception of the fact that exu is a magical force and land-he is closer to humans and more closely tied to mundane problems, helping search for solutions, cleaning fluids deleterious breaks demand and even work on spiritual healing. Yes, exus can heal with much property and knowledge. Of course the Catholic religious syncretism that hit the Afro-Brazilian cults also associated exu quickly to the devil and because the diverse hordes of hell described in the ancient manuscripts and grimoires of the Middle Ages. Well, you can not study the lives of Catholic saints and say an understanding of the Yoruban Orisha cults. Just as Lucifer is no Exu Lucifer and Astaroth Exu is not the King of the Exu 7 Crossroads. Exus not coexist on the same plane vibrational demons who have never had physical existence. So may not be associated with them. Just as the Bakisi (plural of Nkisi) or orishas vibrate at a different scale of vibration and therefore connected to one another plane of existence. It is as if by analogy we consider the planet Earth as an onion with many layers in between. Most telluric, closer to the core and the most solar pranic or further away. We could even consider that either is versed in exu and Goetia Magick and therefore know the formula evocative of a certain demon. But consider the following, since the demons, never had physical existence, and its existence follows an amoral plan because they are not related to any physical sphere, the same for not having standards vices of the ego, can act in a more intensively, but more dangerous. If you have fears, uncertainties, doubts, then you will be quickly consumed by the demon that evoke, while if you have enough experience and knowledge of the spheres and planes of the occult, as well as forms of energy that surround it, the astral plane physical, earthy, then you are a beginner may have such power as he pleases with great success. In the same way that you can evoke a protective angel or archangel, you can evoke an exterminating angel. And if you have the proper theoretical and practical, may succeed in his magical work. You can not say that an exu or a human being is more or less evolved than a devil, because we are dealing with primary forces, primordial forces. A Vodou Loa do not vibrate in the same sphere of an Orisha Umbanda or Candomblé, neither is more or less superior. Just as Mars or Ares is nothing more or less developed than Ogun or St. George. They are distinct, with different forms of work. If you want to perform an evocation of goetia then need to know the work theurgic or High Magic. If you want to bring to you a Loa Trevose family of the Barons of Cemetery, then you should obey the grounds of religion or religious mystics of Vodouisant. It would be ridiculous to believe that we will possessed in the Temple by St. Sebastian turns to Indians, as we will not possessed by Astaroth in the body of a medium that would surely be destroyed by this force. The grounds are different from the Candomblé and Umbanda, Kimbanda as the latter deal is a cult eguns (spirits that had phisical existences), and a cult of Candomblé deities or orishas.
Finally, one can not invent the wheel and not doing things because we feel cute. No use magick we draw circles on the floor of a cult tetragramatons exus. The result of some, becomes none.
If I were to create a new religion, cult or whatever, need to meet certain criteria before the most primitive religions where this new originated. Thus was the relationship with Catholicism pagan religions, where much has been absorbed and adapted.
But, just to end this matter, I would say it is not religion or cult in itself is good or bad, better or worse than another, but that man himself is what makes your beliefs to the molds of your taste in hell or in paradise you want. What is good for some, may not be good for others. People like the planes of existence and agencies, also vary its vibrating tracks, cultures, concepts, etc..
All this is quite relevant in choosing a path.