terça-feira, 4 de outubro de 2011

To get Initiation in Kimbanda

The first step to you get initiation is find a Kimbanda Master to attract Exu in your head. After this you must do initiation, and I recommend the traditional system of Malei Kimbanda cult, because this is the primitive method is the most next to the true Kimbanda without miscellaneous so common these days.
Exus are magical personalities who had incarnated as a human in the past, generally with deep knowledge about Witchcraft, Magic and Occultism. They are connected with the nature elements, and have their point of force near this elements (earth, air, fire and water) and locals like beaches, forests, cemeteries and crossroads, they can cure, protect or destroy the enemies. They are specialists in financial questions and to bring solutions to our material problems. They are faithful to who are faithful to them. Don´t broke your promises to Exu. The Pomba Giras are not exactly a female exu version, like someone say. They are specialists in love and sexual magick, although they are milder should not ever be overlooked because they have great power.

3 comentários:

Santiago disse...

muy interesante por fin encuentro un argumento verdadero del satanismo africano una pregunta cuando fue que se fusionaron la goetia y la macumba saludos de uruguay frontera yaguaron

Santiago disse...

aparentemente la goetia tiene su origen en africa es una tradicion muy antigua pero al fusionar los demonios medievales satanicos europeos con la kimbanda me parece algo muy poderoso

Francisco Marengo (Frater Magister) disse...

Potente y muy ingenuo, exus tiene nada que ver con los demonios, incluso es posible que uno u otro era versado en Goetia, pero decir que cada exu se corresponde a un demonio, que es una tontería. Kimbanda es un culto bantú.