quinta-feira, 10 de maio de 2012

About Pactvm Pactorvm Brotherhood and the Prosperity Rite

by Francisco Marengo

All large companies and corporations in the world have some kind of protection or connection with the magic and the occult forces. All great artists, politicians, public figures in general know that if they have some kind of protection, the envy and the action of opposing forces can take them down in a time relatively fast compared to the time they took to climb to the top. All magic and all Esoteric Tradition has links to their bases. All peoples and religions seek some sort of connection with invisible forces to have the hegemony and monopoly of power of human thought. Every great magic grimoires were written by priests and priests and more remote from the time look into their gifts paranormal practices developed through the development of the pineal gland. The symbol of the pinecone adorns many religious monuments and utensils, to tell us that he who has the power to send, and who has not obeyed. You must see the world the way things are to understand what I'm telling you. The higher power and perfection create imperfect beings and force them to raise up to an archangel protoplasm, through millions of deaths, to suffer because of his instincts, whose germ was designed with them, and torturing himself with all possible the sufferings of the soul and body, until They reach the desired to light, But was that the only way? A path of pain, torture and death? What human being who really aspires to evolve through this endless agony? In perfection, as the supreme bliss? Vague promise of a doubtful happiness! As if it were desirable to achieve such harmony, which is under the mask of impartiality and love of humanity, nothing further than a profound indifference and selfishness hardened. We are rising up against these implacable laws that promise joys remote and unknown, while they pass judgment, in advance, the unhappy creatures to inhuman sufferings - unbreakable links of an endless stream generated imperfect and slave labor without end, that ignorance pushes autocratically. And by what right? Always claiming that terrible law of slavery the weak by the stronger. The poor ignorant are always crushed by the wheel of the one who knows the laws governing.

Let me tell you a little story. Back in year 2005, after many years dedicated to the study and practice of the occult, and lived a severe financial crisis in my factory. I am an agronomist by profession, and I have a fertilizer factory. The soybean lived a serious crisis of prices, and farmers had no way to pay your bills. The result is that I got two million dollars in the street with no way to get these accounts. I decided then to appeal to all gram of spirits and entities of the astral with the desire to resolve my situation. Well, I discovered the Brotherhood and the Rite of Pactum Pactorum. I found that in past lives I was a member of the Brotherhood, as well as many others who come to us from various parts of the world. According to the spirits that I mentioned had to complete the rite in a town in Spain, more precisely in Arzua. Arzua is a city in the Jacobean route that begins in the Pied Port France and ends in Santiago de Compostela in Spain. It is the last great crossroads of the way and has a veiled Catholic chapel dedicated to Luciferian rituals of High Magic. But at that time had no money to go there. So I asked the spirits to show one way, mysteriously, and a client in the midst of severe agricultural crisis appeared and made a large purchase of fertilizers, totally out of season. So I had the money to go to Spain and there concludes my rite. The facts that came after it was fascinating. Everything was clearer, and my worldview that I thought differently changed once and for all.
 So just to conclude, it is Pactum Pactorum. It is a brotherhood whose initiatory rite is a rite also a ritual to attract material wealth, after all what good is a poor wise man, is not it?
We have people connected with us throughout the world by the ties of our holy Brotherhood. All in secrecy, after all this is a Luciferian rite, and people do not want to expose. So that way if you want to know this rite please read the tests listed in this link: http://www.cursosdemagia.com.br/faqpactorum.htm
I apologize but in this case you will have to use a translator to read this. After reading all your time, I must tell you that the next day rite is 07/07/2012, you need only a weekend, on Sunday you will be free to go. Only if you have real interest in coming here, write me, ok?  At that time believe me, Pactum Pactorum is the most powerful rite to obtain prosperity that I have saw, my desire is the expansion of our Brotherhood and with our egregore. So, the rite begin here, an you will keep it in your country. About Kimbanda when you come here, we´ll talk about. Oh yeah, do not worry about all the nonsense they talk about Brazil,that by coming here you will be mugged, or something. This is pure nonsense. Assaults exist anywhere in the world as the slums in Rio or the Bronx in New York. I live with my family that you may have seen on my Facebook in a small town near the city of Sao Paulo. Here we can sleep peacefully with doors and windows open. So, if this is your True Will, make contact and come to your true Brotherhood.

Pactvm Pactorvm is a ritual, a ceremony where we evoke a magical entity that aims to provide goods and material wealth. It appears visible to everyone in the Temple. But beyond this ritual bring wealth also drops many myths and prejudices of unbelievers, atheists and uninformed. And, as it seems inconceivable that this rite allows the naked eye to see what is deemed invisible or nonexistent.
The main principles to keep in mind before making the rite are:

- Everything that exists in the universe was created by one God. When considering the creation of God, just imagine a landscape is beautiful, delicate flowers, waterfalls and peace. But the hurricanes, the vultures that feed on carrion and many other things not so fragrant and beautiful eyes are also emanations of the same creator.

- Good and evil in the way that we believe are related.

- We only use ten percent of our brain potential. This simply means that we perceive only a small part of what exists in the universe. Therefore it is well accepted that there are many more things in heaven and earth than we can imagine.

- If there are more things than we think and good and evil are relative we can conclude that that there are "forces" or energy and intelligence that can be contacted and used to our benefit.

In this knowledge base we know that:

- There is no sin or guilt in the use of these energies, because they were left by God for the benefit of man. Of course, to contact them in the foreground it needs to perceive them. This achievement is a personal search of each one.

On the nature of these forces is to be understood that:

- Each primary force is so pure that has a function in particular. Thus, the intelligence responsible for Wealth cannot kill or take revenge of people since this is not part of his nature. So there is nothing to fear.

You must be prepared to:

- See, hear and witness the presence of a different nature from ours. This may ultimately cause great discomfort, as many people are not ready to drop old concepts and reshape their thinking. It can be frightening to realize that what they taught him all his life was a lie.

Only people with cold-blooded and adventurous in search of a higher truth and a supreme force that is able to change your life by giving you all the comfort and the opportunity to rule on this material plane are shown to participate in this rite.

Are you ready for this? If you are, please contact-me: fratermagister@cursosdemagia.com.br

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